Why I chose Agriculture


Choosing the right course for College is indeed hard,as you have a lot of factors to consider in choosing the right course that you will take.  In my situation, I have to choose between my passion and being practical. Until I realize that Agriculture can bring me a lot of opportunities. 
A beautiful Corn field

 1. Agriculture is fun.                     

Being in Agriculture can bring you a lot of fun of excitement as it allows you to experience new things such as driving a tractor or riding a cow, why not?!!!

2. Agriculture is everywhere

Wherever you go, you can see a lot of things that are directly related in Agriculture such as Rice fields, Corn fields,Live stocks.
And seeing these everyday makes your passion and love for Agriculture grow .

3. Agriculture brings you endless opportunities.

A lot of people do not prefer Agriculture because they believe that Agriculture cannot lead them to success instead they choose other industries/courses such as Medical and Engineering. But in reality, Agriculture offers endless opportunities that reaches through out the entire world. Yes, being Agriculture can give you a 6 or more digit salary too!.

Above are my three main reason why I chose Agriculture for college and I am proud being an Agristudent as George Washington said that ' Agriculture is the most healthful,most useful and most noble employment of man".


  1. Folks thankyou for appreciating my blog. expect for more blogs like this one.

  2. I am a Licensed Agriculture since 2010 but until now I never experience to work in the Agri-related job. I have submitted many application letters to the Department of Agriculture, wishing for using my chosen profession, but it didn't work. Many licensed people also experience what I have been experiencing. Hence, my conclusion is: Agri course is not good! I am sorry for my words.

  3. Welcome to the club!Im likewise an Agronomist Circa 1986 and licensed Agriculturist Circa 2006 till now.Our politics here in our country about who you know ,majority are employed in LGU’s .I suggest if you are still single and young,get a post graduate course in Agri.,work abroad and retire as an agripreneur ,visit Thailand and Singapore for benchmarking.Gooodcluck!

    1. Thank you for your insight. Thats a good suggestion for a person like me who will be getting a degree this year. I might as well go to grad school as soon as I finish taking the board.


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