
Why I chose Agriculture

                Choosing the right course for College is indeed hard,as you have a lot of factors to consider in choosing the right course that you will take .  In my situation, I have to choose between my passion and being practical. Until I realize that Agriculture can bring me a lot of opportunities.   A beautiful Corn field  1. Agriculture is fun.                       Being in Agriculture can bring you a lot of fun of excitement as it allows you to experience new things such as driving a tractor or riding a cow, why not?!!! 2. Agriculture is everywhere Wherever you go, you can see a lot of things that are directly related in Agriculture such as Rice fields, Corn fields,Live stocks. And seeing these everyday makes your passion and love for Agriculture grow . 3. Agriculture brings you endless opportunities. A lot of people do not prefer Agriculture because they believe that Agriculture cannot lead them to success instead they choose other industries/courses such