
Why you should consider to become an Agriculturist?

The results for the Licensure examination for Agriculturist has been released, and congrats to our newly licensed Agriculturists. And so,there are so many jobs out there,but in this blog I will tell you why you should consider to become an Agriculturist.  So what does an Agriculturist do? Well they are specialists in all areas of cultivation and raising livestock. They are scientists who advise farmers on soil management, breeding, living conditions of animals, crop protection,environmental sustainability, disease and harvesting, cool right? When you are an Agriculturist there's a lot of job opportunities waiting for you. But let us be real, here in our country having a career as an Agriculturist is not that so satisfying as you can not earn huge salaries compared when you you work abroad. But let us look in the brighter side. The work of an Agriculturist is one of the most rewarding careers, as you will be able to help farmers. Demand for this career is increasi

How to become an Agriculturist?

Let us admit that becoming an Agriculturist is not one of our dreams when we are a child, at least most of us right? To become a Doctor, Nurse, Engineer, Police, Pilot, Lawyer and what so ever are some of our childhood dreams before right? But in this blog I will tell you how to become an Agriculturist and why it is a good career choice . Earn a bachelors degree related to Agriculture. To become an Agriculturist, first you need to take a degree related to Agriculture. These are some of the following courses(4 years) you can take:  BS Agriculture BS Agricultural Technology BS Agri-Business Take and Pass the Licensure Examination. The path in becoming a licensed Agriculturist is not that easy, for your information licensure examination for Agriculturist is one of the hardest board exam in the country. But do not be scared of this, nothing is earned without hardships. After passing the examination you are now a licensed Agriculturist. And a lot opportunities wai

What you need to know about African Swine Fever

African Swine Fever is a viral disease that is very contagious. It affects pigs, warthogs and boars. It causes pigs to have a high fever, lose their appetite, and hemorrhages in the internal organs and the skin. Since the emergence of the ASF in the country, demand for pork meat has declined affecting the local swine producers all over the country. To add, some pork products are contaminated with pork meats that are ASF positive.  Amid all of these, you don't need to worry, as African Swine Fever does not affect people and it is not a public health threat or a food safety concern.   You can still eat your favorite  Lechon, Tocino, and other pork products  without any worries unless you are on a diet.

Farmers are dying in the Philippines.

In other countries, Farmers are very rich, because their government prioritize them and supports them. Unlike the situation of our farmers today here in the Philippines Farmers are dying, Lack of Government Assistance This is so common with us, we are an Agricultural Country so why does the government do not prioritize our Agricultural sector, where our poor farmers belongs. Instead they  make our farmers even poorer, specially with the implementation of Rice Tariffication Law. To add, the Agricultural Sector of the country receives the  smallest portion of the national budget.  As a result, Agriculture is dying in our country. Agricultural lands are turned into industrialized areas. The government was not able to enrich the Agricultural Sector of our country. Our local farmers are dying. We are once the leading country in Agriculture but over the years other countries are now better than us, way much better. 

Understanding why Millennials are turning their back towards Agriculture

Agriculture have played a major role in the development of our country , and everybody knows that. But as  time goes by, the key role  of  Agriculture is slowly fading in the perspective of many Filipinos, specially millennials.  An empty classroom, portraying the decreasing number of millennials involved in Agriculture. Peer pressure This is one of the many reasons  why millennials underestimates Agriculture. Because  they have grown into a misconception from their parents or relatives that taking an Agriculture course is not as noble compared to other courses such as nursing, accountancy and engineering. Little do they know that there are famous Filipinos who are Agriculturist or Agricultural Scientist,if not an Agricultural lawyer. Everybody underestimates Agriculture We all know that it has become a norm to us that if you are taking any related course in Agriculture automatically  it means that you are not good as anybody. Imagine you taking an Agriculture degree

Why I chose Agriculture

                Choosing the right course for College is indeed hard,as you have a lot of factors to consider in choosing the right course that you will take .  In my situation, I have to choose between my passion and being practical. Until I realize that Agriculture can bring me a lot of opportunities.   A beautiful Corn field  1. Agriculture is fun.                       Being in Agriculture can bring you a lot of fun of excitement as it allows you to experience new things such as driving a tractor or riding a cow, why not?!!! 2. Agriculture is everywhere Wherever you go, you can see a lot of things that are directly related in Agriculture such as Rice fields, Corn fields,Live stocks. And seeing these everyday makes your passion and love for Agriculture grow . 3. Agriculture brings you endless opportunities. A lot of people do not prefer Agriculture because they believe that Agriculture cannot lead them to success instead they choose other industries/courses such